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Citizen Charter

Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB)

District Office

Sunamganj district

Promise ( Citizen's Charter )


July September 2024

1 . Vision and Mission                                                                                                                                                                                            

Vision : A developed village based on human organization.

Mission : Self-reliant villages by organizing local communities through training , capital formation , modern technology , integrated management of existing opportunities and resources.

2 . Services promised :

2.1. Civil Services:

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and

Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









Mass Arranged by Shu Nani .

directly John notification meeting through

Personal application .


Every Sunday 2.00-3.00 pm

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Providing information under the Right to Information Act .

Citizens for the information stored in the district office about various activities under implementation in the district service aspirants near to be directly Or By e - mail application  After receiving By hand - by hand, by post with the approval of the authorities or of e - mail Pay through

Required documents : Application in prescribed form as per Right to Information Act, 2009 .

of receiving Location: www. brdb.gov.bd and Information Commission website www.infocom.gov.bd

Service price : 2 per page . 00 (Two) rupees or in real cost

Payment method : Deposit through bank treasury challan .

Within 20 working days of receipt of application and within 30 working days in case of 3rd party involvement.

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


2.2) Institutional Services:

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









Nomination of trainees for training .

1 ) Receipt of trainee demand letter

2 ) Discussing and taking decisions in monthly/office meetings

3 ) Nomination of trainees

Required information regarding trainees .

Place of receipt: District Office

As per requirement as applicable

Consider the training schedule

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Organizing workshops , seminars .

After the approval of the authorities, the participation request letter is issued after giving the nomination .

Participation form

Place of receipt: District Office

Not applicable

within the stipulated time

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


In-house training .

In-house training of the officers and employees working in the district through the district office subject to receipt of budget .

Nomination letter

Place of receipt: District Office

Not applicable

One working day a month

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Allocated money (revenue) installment based exemption and transfer to different upazilas.

Sending money to various upazila offices in the light of budget allocation after receiving installments on quarterly basis from headquarters.

Budget allocation and money release letter

Place of receipt: Headquarters, District Office

Not applicable

Within 7 days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Release of installments of funds allocated for various projects under implementation by BRDB in favor of Upazila Office .

Disbursement of funds to upazila office after receipt of grant in favor of projects under implementation by BRDB .

Approved budget allocation and apportionment letter

Place of receipt: Headquarters

Not applicable

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Approval of training .

Scrutiny and approval after receipt of submitted proposal from Upazila Office .

List of trainees, training modules as per policy.

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

Not applicable

3 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









Approval of VDC Scheme .

After submitting the proposal by the Upazila Office, approval is given after verification .

According to the policy:

1 . Primary application form of village development committee scheme .

2 . Final application form of village development committee scheme .

3 .  Estimate of the scheme .

4 . List of SIT Committee members with signatures .

5 . Undertaking of 15 % Tk / Labor Donation by Beneficiary .

6 . Undertaking of 5 % by Union Parishad .

7 . Certificate of tax collection by Union Parishad .

8 . Location of the scheme / siting design / map .

9 . Village Development Committee Resolution .

10 . Union Coordinating Committee Resolution .

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

for free

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









Approval of UCCA Ltd. Manpower Recruitment Proposal .

Scrutinize the proposal received from the upazila and send it to the headquarters with recommendations for the approval of the authorities.

Organizational, capital formation, income and expenditure information of UCCA, last completed 3 years debt information, existing manpower salary information for the last financial year, probable expenditure for the proposed manpower, income and expenditure account in the employee salary sector for the last financial year .

Place of receipt: Upazila Office

for free

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Making recommendations on the budget of UCCA Ltd.

After submission of proposals by the Upazila Office, verification and selection of recommendations.

Attested copy of budget proposal and minutes of annual general meeting.

Place of receipt: Upazila Office

for free

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Approval of gratuity proposal for retired employees of UCCA .

After submitting the proposal by the upazila office, it is verified and approved up to Tk 3.00 lakh to the district office and the proposal above Tk 3.00 lakh is sent to the headquarters for approval .

1) Application form

2) Minutes of the meeting of the management committee

3) Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

4) Gratuity fund bank statement.

5) Audited Statement of UCCA for the last financial year (balance sheet)

Place of receipt: Upazila Office

6) Leave of absence from employment.

for free

15 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









Settlement of grievances related to UCCA .

Taking necessary measures in view of the application of the upazila .

Complaint related documents with proof

Place of receipt: Upazila Office

for free

15 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


SME loan approval .

After submitting the proposal by the Upazila Office, it is sent to the Head Office for approval or approval by the District Office in applicable cases after verification .

Loan application in prescribed form .

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

Not applicable

3 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


loan proposals for disbursement of revolving ( agricultural ) loans / loans from UCCA 's own funds .

According to the demand of the Primary Cooperative Societies, following the recommendations of the Management Committee of UCCL and the Upazila Credit Committee, approval is based on the proposal of the Deputy District Office.

Required documents as per policy.

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

for free

4 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Sonali Bank (Crop/Mau/Shrimp) Providing recommendations for loan allocation and disbursement .

According to Banking Plan 1983, credit distribution to members through primary cooperative societies in view of execution of credit agreements of respective bank branches of UCCA and Sonali Bank.

Required documents as per Banking Plan 1983

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

for free

As applicable

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Dispatch of working papers of district development and coordination meeting .

After collecting information on the progress of the upazila offices, sending the report in the light of the unified information of the district.

Report .

Place of receipt: District Office

Not applicable

by the due date every month

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

1 6

Dispatch of the proceedings of the meeting of the District Agricultural Credit Committee.

After collecting information on the progress of the upazila offices, sending the report in the light of the unified information of the district.

Report .

Place of receipt: District Office

Not applicable

by the due date every month

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

2.3) Internal Services

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and

Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









working /retired officers-employees to the headquarters .

and dispatch after submission of application by officer / employee .

Relevant documents

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

Not applicable

5 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Approval of monthly travel statements and bills of sub district level officials .

After submission of advanced itinerary, itinerary and bill by the concerned officer after verification and approval and sent to the upazila.

1 ) Brief itinerary

2 ) Travel bill

3 ) Advance/ Revised itinerary

4 ) Association/Party inspection report

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

Not applicable

7 working day

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Advancement of loan applications for final salary determination of officers / employees .

After receiving the application from the employees of the district office and upazila office, it is sent to the headquarters after verification.

Payroll form

Location: Headquarters, District and Upazila Offices

Not applicable

5 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Approval of casual leave application of upazila level officials .

Approval subject to availability of leave after receipt of submitted application .

Casual leave application form

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

3 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Allowance of rest and recreation leave .

Approval after receipt of application Order issued .

1 ) Application form

2 ) Service Record/ Attested photocopy of service book with up-to- date leave details

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

for free

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Approval of accrued leave of officers/employees of Upazila Office .

After receiving the application, the approval order is issued subject to the availability of leave .

1 ) application form

2 ) Proof of the reason for which the leave is required

3) Evidence of leave availability

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and

Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









district office bills .

After submitting the bill, it is verified by the Deputy Director Payment of bills by approval .

Bill submitted as per rules .

Place of receipt: District Office

Not applicable

3 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


different project of the program Upazila of office Budget approval

After submitting the proposal by the upazila office, approval is given after verification .

Budget proposal in prescribed table.

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Sending expense report .

Collection of expenditure statements from district and upazila offices, sent to headquarters after verification .

fixed table

Place of receipt: Headquarters, District Office

Not applicable

within the stipulated time

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Remittance of service charges of various project programs .

Sending money from the upazila office to the head office for the service cost of various project programs .

Money order letter and bank cheque/advance letter

Place of receipt: Upazila Office

Not applicable

in the year once

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


different Approve the budget for the cost of service of the program .

Sending proposals in the light of policy for budget allocation .

Budget proposal (with justification)

Place of receipt: District Office

Not applicable

Annual budget by 31 July and revised budget by 30 April

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Conduct internal audit of the district .

Various ongoing in upazila offices under the district Formation of the audit team to carry out the audit of the program , after receiving the report, send the audit report to the concerned department .

Account books ( general ledger, deposit-expenditure book, various subsidiary ledgers ) , previous audit reports, account statements and bank statements kept in the district / upazila office.

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

15 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Resolving audit objections .

In view of the objections raised in the audit report BS reply received from district and upazila offices and sent to headquarters for disposal of evidence .

BS Jawa Ber fixed tables and proofs.

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

05 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd

No. No

Service Name

Service delivery method

Necessary documents

and destination

Price of service and

Payment method

Service Delivery Period

Officer in Charge

(Name, Surname, Phone and Email)









Preparation and updating of list of pending audit objections and provision of information .

Recording the objections in the specific register in the light of the audit report , updating it from time to time and providing information to the officers/employees as per demand .

Audit report, BS reply, settlement letter, audit objection registers .

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

7 working days

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Providing information regarding liability of retired officers/employees.

Sending information along with opinion for verification of stored records .

Name of tenure project/programme, details of work place .

Place of receipt: Headquarters

Not applicable

03 (three) working day

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


Payment of monthly pension/festival allowance/medical allowance to retirees

Disbursement of benefits subject to approval of HQ regarding payment of monthly pension/holiday allowance/medical allowance to retirees.

Approval Letter from Head Office.

Not applicable

First working day of every month

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


PRL/GPF of retirees /Welfare/Safety and death claim application sent to HQ

Sending applications of retirees from upazila and district offices to headquarters.

PRL/GPF/Welfare/Security and Death Claim Application Form.

Place of receipt: District and Headquarters

Not applicable

Subject to receipt of application

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd


of GPF/Welfare Fund/Family Security Fund/Motor Cycle Loan Installment/ House Construction Loan Installment to HQ .

installment money from upazila and district office to headquarters .

Remittance letter and bank check from upazila offices/ This is Dr. Vice's letter .

Place of receipt: District and Upazila Office

Not applicable

once a year

Mohammad Sarwar Mahfuz Deputy Director

Telephone: 02996600084

Cell Number: 01991132150 Email:ddsunamganj@brdb.gov.bd